Super Six Reading Comperhension Strategies

Comprehension can be defined as the process in which the learner develops understanding of the text while reading. Readers must intentionally and purposefully work to create meaning fromwhat they read.
The National Reading Panel (2000) emphasised the fact that comprehension is an active process between the reader and a text, a process that is both ‘intentional and thoughtful’.
There are many ways that students demonstrate their understandings of texts or as we said ‘Comprehension’. They locate and recall information, draw on the knowledge of text structures and text organisers, write short reflective responses, complete multiple choice questions, think deeply and express ideas verbally, complete descriptions, recognise causal relationships, make logical connections, interpret graphics and images and identify multiple points of view and specific details.

Good readers do all these spontaneously, that not all students can do. So, you need to develop this skill into your students’ minds and try to make it thier way of reading. In this article we are trying to show you how can you teach your student the strategies of reading comprehension.

According to New South Wales (NSW) Department of Education and Training there are ‘Super Six’ Comprehension Strategies, which are:

1. Making Connections:

Learners make personal connections from the text with:

  • Something in their own life (text to self)
  • Another text (text to text)
  • Something occurring in the world (text to world)

In this strategy learner uses what he knows to understand the text. This can be done by this kind of thinking:

It reminds me of when I read … because … (text to text)
It reminds me of the time I … because …  (text to self)
It reminds me of something I read because … (text to text, or text to world)
It reminds me of something I heard about because … (text to world)

Example Teaching Idea:

Book and me: Students create two columns with headings Book/Me. Prior to and during reading students add details about the connections between the book and their lives.

2. Predicting:

Learners use information from graphics, text and experiences to anticipate what will be read/viewed/heard and to actively adjust comprehension while reading/viewing/listening.

Example Teaching Idea:

Before and after chart: Students list predictions before and during reading. As they read students either confirm or reject their predictions.

3. Questioning:

Learners pose and answer questions that clarify meaning and promote deeper understanding of the text. Questions can be generated by the learner, a peer or the teacher. Example questions that can be generated are like:

I wonder…  I was confused when…
How could that be?  Why do you think?
Who…  What…  Where…  When…

Example Teaching Idea:

Wonderings: Using post-it notes, students list all the questions they have about the text. As they read students continue to write questions. When an answer is found for the wondering students remove the post-it note.

4. Monitoring:

Learners stop and think about the text and know what to do when meaning is disrupted.

Example Teaching Idea:

Coding: As they read students code the text with post-it notes:
I understand
I don’t understand
I fixed it up myself

5. Visualizing:

Learners create a mental image from a text read/viewed/heard. Visualising brings the text to life, engages the imagination and uses all of the senses. The generated thoughts in reader’s mind are like:

I see what I read
I feel what I read
It’s like a movie in my mind

I create pictures in my mind as I read.

Example Teaching Idea:

Sketch to stretch: As a passage/story is read students sketch their visualisation. In groups they share their sketches and discuss reasons for their interpretation.

6. Summarizing:

Learners identify and accumulate the most important ideas and restate them in their own words. They usually develop this kind of thoughts:

The text was mostly about…
The author is trying to tell us that…
I learned…
The important details were…

Example Teaching Idea:

Key words: Students highlight words they believe are key to understanding the passage. These words are written on post-it notes and placed on the page. After reading the students close the book and arrange the key words in an order that supports a cohesive summary.

Now, after getting an idea about those strategies.. Can you share us your own teaching ideas?? How do you develop those strategies in your students??

comprehensioncomrehension strategieslearnersmaking connectionsmonitoringquestioningreadingreading comrehensionReading Skillsreading strategiesstrategiessummarizingvisualizing
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