Qatar TESOL 2014 Conference Schedule


 10th International Qatar TESOL Meet to open on February 21


MORE than 300 teachers in Qatar and abroad have registered to attend the 10th International Qatar TESOL Conference which will be held at the College of the North Atlantic Qatar on February 21-22.

The theme of this year’s very special 10th anniversary conference is ˜Promoting a Culture of Reading.’ It is often said that the nation that leads, reads and the aim of this year’s conference is to help educators in Qatar and the region to foster a better culture of reading in their classrooms.

This year’s two-day conference will offer three inspiring plenary speakers and 40 workshops and poster presentations. On Friday afternoon, Dr Mohammed Abbas, EFL curriculum specialist at the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Ministry of Education will be discussing the use of newspapers as a resource in the classroom in his plenary entitled ˜Using Newspapers with EFL/ESL Students’.

On Saturday morning, Dr Thomas Robb, professor and chair of the English Department in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan will be discussing new reading tools in his plenary on ˜The Role of Technology in the Promotion of Reading’.

Later on Saturday afternoon, Dr William (Bill) Acton, director of the MA in TESOL programme at Trinity Western University, British Columbia, Canada will discuss research on ˜virtual’ books in his plenary entitled ˜Digital Readers and eLanguage Learning: eXciting, eXasperating and inXapable!’

Those interested in attending the conference can still pre-register by logging onto and clicking the conference registration link. The QR150 conference fee is paid at the door. This includes entry to all lectures and workshops, food over the two days of the conference and free membership of Qatar TESOL for one year.

Qatar TESOL 2014 Schedule

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