Improving Teacher Student Relationships

Students spend many years in school. As they say, these are the formative years. Social psychologists feel the relationship between teacher and student can impact the development on the individual (Schneider, Gruman, & Coutts 2012. p.203). Since the students are with the teachers 5 days a week, they become part of the students life.

Students spend 30 hours at least per week in school. In reality it is like going to a job. Technically the teacher is like a work site manager. In order to start the school off, teachers need to develop into effective managers. When being an effective manager in the classroom, research has shown when a teacher uses commonsense plans, it can lead to the prevention of discipline problems between teacher and student (Slavin 2003. pp.378-379).

According to Edgar Arold, one of the most important relationships that exist today is the teacher/student relationship or interaction. It is important for the teacher not to come to the level of the student (Arold, 2010 p.1). Following this further, it is important to avoid Social categorization, a so-called opposing position between teacher and student. Both parties need to be cooperative in a team like matter to help their educational goals to be successful (Schneider, Gruman, & Coutts. 2012 p. 378).

Teacher’s perceptions of the students can have a negative effect on them if they focus on inadequacies rather than potentials. Teachers who question student potentials can discourage academic performance (Ornstein, Levine 2006. p.337). Keeping the relationship between student and teacher will take effort on both sides. School needs to be a place for youth to go and feel safe and low stress especially when they are subject to external stress in their outside world. Cooperation on both sides, good communication skills and just plain old feeling appreciated on both sides are the keys needed.

dealing with studentsimproving relationstudent teacher relationshipstudentsteachers
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